Tuesday, April 30, 2013

We're home!

Nora finally made it home from the hospital last Saturday, and we've all been getting used to our new normal. She is a good baby who rarely fusses unless she's hungry. Since she's a preemie, we have to wake her up at least every three hours to eat (sometimes she beats us to it at 2 hours!) until she is over 5 lbs. She's a very sweet girl, and we've enjoyed having her home.

Today we went to Nora's first pediatrician appointment. Everything checked out great! She is now up to 4 lbs. 6.4 oz., and the doctor said she is a very strong girl. We go back again in 10 days just for another check-up since she was in the NICU and they want to follow her more closely. 

Some have asked about the red spot on Nora's forehead, and after today's appointment I have some answers.

It's called a hemangioma, which is a buildup of blood vessels that usually disappears on its own. Until Nora is 6 months old it may grow a little larger, but after that it should start to fade from the middle outwards. If it doesn't go away on its own, there is medicine to treat it, though the doctor seemed to indicate this was a last resort and he expects it to go away with time.

We're thankful to God for his graciousness to us in giving us such a healthy baby despite her coming so early. He has continued to bless us with her quick development and growth, and she has been a wonderful addition to our family! 

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