Thursday, April 25, 2013

Out of the Box

Our big girl (4 lbs 2 oz!) graduated out of the incubator today and should get to come home on Saturday as long as she continues to gain weight and maintain her own body temperature.

"What is Friday for?," you ask. Yes, today is Thursday and I think she should get to come home Friday, but Friday we get to my favorite part of being a NICU mom (note the sarcasm) - you have to "pass a test" in order to take your baby home. No, it's not an actual test, but you have to spend the night at the hospital and care for your baby while the nursing staff occasionally takes vital signs. To me, it feels like we have to earn permission to take our child home. I'm quite bent out of shape about the whole thing, but I'm going to play by their rules and give them another 24 hours of my life and then I'll move on and try to forget about it.

I can't believe I finally have just one more day to prepare for Nora's homecoming! I'd better get busy.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Sherri and I had to pass the "test" before we could bring Levi home also. I still cannot believe we passed.
