Thursday, March 7, 2013

Third Trimester Thoughts

  • We're having a baby. For real. Soon. The arrival of a stroller/car seat combo via UPS this week made it sink in even more. It's so surreal, and I still can't believe it's happening (despite all the "fun" changes my body is experiencing!).
  • I'm glad for the spring-like weather we should have the next several days because my coats are beginning to not be able to zip!
  • Babies "need" a lot of stuff. Our house is small and Levi and I are borderline minimalists, so we're having trouble with the transition (especially Levi). We haven't even had our baby shower yet, which will surely bring even more things into our small, tidy, decorated home. It's going to take some mad organizing skills and some creativity to make sure our decor doesn't scream "baby". I still have hope, though Levi is getting pretty worried. He was expressing his grief the other day over an exer-saucer we received that is "kid" colors and asked "why can't they make this stuff in these colors (pointing around the house)."
  • This baby is going to be around for awhile. And I mean all the time. I always realized this, but it's just starting to actually sink in that we're going to be a bit tied down. Of course, we know that we can take her places with us and we aren't going to let having a child end life as we know it, but there will be practical things we'll have to change like no more late-night trips to Walmart after bedtime.
  • It's kind of scary/sad to think about how our lives will change when we have our first baby. We're excited for her to be here, but at the same time I think we'll miss some of the way things are now. 
  • How will Molly react to a baby?
  • I'm having to make a lot of job-related decisions as my due date draws near and I plan on staying home. Between quitting my full-time job and trying to decide what to do about current and offered freelance jobs, I'm a bit overwhelmed. There's a lot of transition happening in my life after 4 years of consistency. It's a lot to take in, and will I like how it turns out? Will I make the right decisions?
  • May, come quickly.

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