Saturday, December 4, 2010

Sharie's Kitchen Re-do

As mentioned in the last post, Levi and I spent our Thanksgiving break (Wed.-Sun.) at his mom's house with his brother, Jake, and his girlfriend, Becca, fixing up her kitchen and dining room. I'm finally getting a minute to post the results after playing catch-up all week from being gone.

True to form, I forgot to take "before" pictures (I've decided that I get too excited about the projects and just jump right in without thinking to take a picture), but I got better at taking them throughout the weekend.

Sharie's kitchen was covered in your typical 90s fruit/flower wallpaper and "matching" (it wasn't really) border. This design move was not hers, but rather it was pre-existing to the house when she bought it.

Although this project was a lot of work, the four of us had a great time working on it together. We all stayed at the house during the weekend and made waffles together in the morning and dinner at night. It was a lot of fun, but I could do without seeing any more wallpaper for awhile.

We had to do two rounds of steaming to get all the paper off

Primer in the dining room 

Becca did all the texturing in the kitchen while Jake and I painted the dining room (Levi was at work).

Crow's Foot Stomp Brush technique

Finished dining room

Finished kitchen

Curtains are coming

1 comment:

  1. Great job!!!! You all should be proud of yourselves. I know it was a lot of work out of love! Mom
