Friday, January 22, 2010

Resolution Update

You're probably expecting me to say that Levi and I have already given up on our resolutions. Well, you would be wrong. They've just simply been altered a bit. Let's first revisit what they were supposed to be:

No cokes
Gym 4x/week

No fast food
Gym 3x/week

I must say that Levi has done a great job adhering to his resolutions. I, on the other hand, have had to make a few amendments. I was really having a hard time without cokes. Getting off of the caffeine wasn't the problem; I just craved the taste of them so much. So, after two weeks without cokes Levi and I decided that I could have them if other people bought them for me (e.g. a gift card or on a plane, etc.). This has been working great! That is until today when Carolyn, our receptionist at work, said she was going to run errands and would bring back Sonic drinks for us. Now, I was obviously excited until she came back with a ROUTE 44! That's like a bajillion calories, which brings me to the gym amendment.

Since the new year started, a few zumba classes have been cancelled and Levi and I have done some traveling so it has been hard for me to go to the gym 4x/week. Since zumba is twice a week and I love it, it makes going easier. When there's no zumba, it's VERY hard. Nevertheless I've made it 3x/week since the new year started. I feel pretty good about that considering only one of the 12 times has been a zumba class. So, in order to make myself feel like I hadn't totally bailed on my resolution, I amended it to be going to the gym three OR four times/week. I'll be going four times this week now that Carolyn sabotaged me with the Route 44 today. Thanks, Carolyn.

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