Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Lung Update

Just a quick post today to share the results of the CT scan. Unfortunately, the doctor did see cancer spots on Levi's left lung. While we're disappointed with the news, it is no worse than his original diagnosis.

The pleural space has filled with fluid again due to the mass collapsing his lung, so the doctor ordered another thoracentesis today to drain it. It's only been a week and a half since it was last drained, so this is going to be a long road until we're able to get the mass removed or shrunk with treatment.

We still have to wait a week or two (depending on slow blood work and the biopsy) until we know what kind of cancer it is before we can start treatment. Pray for rest, patience and peace in the interim. The kids start school next week, and we're looking forward to as much normalcy as possible during this chapter.

I think we'll look forward to future trips to Houston just for the food.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you and your family, Emily and Levi. I pray for God to heal you, Levi, and may He strengthen you both and give you peace and endurance. May the Lord receive glory through this trial in your lives.
