Thursday, August 29, 2019

Diagnosis, Appointments & Unicorns

We've had a big week this week. Here are the highlights:
  • We learned Levi has adrenal gland cancer, which is very rare. Click here for the last post if you missed it.
  • We finally have appointments with the oncologist and endocrinologist at MD Anderson! Unfortunately, they're three weeks from now. We're trying to keep our spirits up in the meantime and settle into a much slower pace of treatment than we'd like. We're learning that we need to expect lots more waiting during this long process.
  • We got a PET scan scheduled for next Wednesday. This is a more detailed scan than the CT scan and MRI Levi had done previously. This will be able to tell us where the cancer has spread and where it may be starting to grow next. Pray that it's confined to the areas we already know about.
  • Levi had his lung drained yesterday for the third time this month. His doctor put in a standing order for every two weeks today, so we'll be keeping a regular schedule of this for the foreseeable future. Evidently this is a better method than the chest catheter doctors had discussed because those often get infected. 
  • We learned adrenocortical carcinoma is so rare that only 1 out of every 1 million Americans gets it. Levi's been reveling in the fact that he's 1 in a million. Gotta find the bright spots in all of this!

1 comment:

  1. I don’t know if my last attempted post worked, but here it is again maybe.

    At one point waiting was the hardest thing to do, but after awhile I realized that waiting was an opportunity to witness, to glorify God and to go deeper in my trust of the Lord. It became the best part of the journey as waited, not on MD Anderson, but on the Lord. Here is a song I listened to all the time while I waited for God’s providence to reveal itself. Much love! Tom
