Thursday, February 14, 2013

And so the humbling begins...

I've heard that motherhood is one of the most humbling experiences in life. After countless thoughts of "my kid won't act like that" you find that your child does, in fact, act that way and you probably react to it less well than you had hoped or planned. I've been expecting this to happen once our baby comes, but I didn't expect it to start before then.

See, I have always told myself I won't sleep with one of these stupid pregnancy pillows:
I mean, come on, they're HUGE and ridiculous. Does a pregnant person really need one? And where do you store the thing until your next pregnancy? Can your husband still fit in the bed?

Well, after a restless night last night I found myself getting up to find a "between-the-knees" pillow to take some pressure off my lower back. Then, I found I really needed a second one up under the lower part of my belly to be most comfortable. And, an extra under my neck wouldn't hurt...Then I realized, much to my horror, that I need one of these giant pillows!

Trust me, I'll be looking for an alternative before I purchase one of these monsters, but let's just say I'm learning to "never say never".

1 comment:

  1. I have seen smaller ones. I will be on the lookout. Love, MOM
