Thursday, September 8, 2011

Boot Camp

It's bad when the bank teller is surprised you're still wearing a boot cast. That happened to me today. I guess it's not that shocking, considering that in a week I will have been wearing some sort of cast for the last six months. I haven't bothered to blog about it because (1) I didn't want to be one of those complaining types and (2) I expected it to be healed rather quickly.

Let me give you the run-down for those who don't know what's been going on. I'll give you the CliffsNotes version:

  • About a year and a half ago the pain started, but I ignored it until six months ago when my foot started swelling.
  • Spring Break (March) - I get a walking boot cast for extensor tendonitis and wear it for three weeks, my foot isn't any better.
  • I go back to the doctor and am told to wear the boot for another three weeks, which I do with no improvement.
  • I switch doctors and find out I actually have a stress fracture (which took more x-rays and a bone scan to figure out) and the doctor tells me he wants to put me in a fiberglass cast. I ask to wait until after my beach vacation and he agrees.
  • July - I get a fiberglass cast and have to wear it for three weeks.
  • I get the fiberglass cast off and am then told to wear the boot another three weeks.
  • August - I get told I can stop wearing the boot and my foot feels great for two days. Then, it begins hurting again in the same way as before. The doctor has me continue wearing the boot.
  • Two weeks ago, the doctor said he'd order me a bone stimulator, which I have yet to receive. Apparently now he has to write a letter of "medical necessity" which will take another week. Clearly, I just want the device to play with. Come on, people, this is getting ridiculous.
That's the story in a longer-than-planned nutshell. I'm starting to believe that my foot will never be healed, and in the meantime my constant fashion companion is a black boot of which I've now worn off part of the rubber sole. So yes, bank teller, I will be wearing this boot indefinitely.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Did your boot cast end up hurting your knees, back or other foot? I'm day one in the boot cast and it's making me worse! :)
