Thursday, January 23, 2020

Surgery Details & A Tumor Shower

We are exhausted after 5 (FIVE!) pre-op appointments today that started at 6:15 a.m., so forgive this brief but practical update about Levi's surgery tomorrow.

His surgery will begin at 7:30 a.m., and it is expected to last 5 or more hours, depending on how invasive it becomes. The plan is to only take out his left adrenal gland along with the tumor, though his left kidney, pancreas, spleen and stomach are all fair game to be affected in some way. Pray with us that only the adrenal gland would have to be removed! The doctors seemed hopeful that this is possible, but they can't tell for sure until they're in there.

Levi will stay in the hospital for 3-4 days, and then we will be in Houston another 3-4 days before he can travel home. Pray with us for the shortest stay possible so he can make it to the daddy daughter dance on Feb. 1! Of course Levi's healing is #1 at the moment, but it would mean so much to both Nora and Levi to make that dance, if even for a short time.

That's all we know for now, so I'll leave you with pictures from the "tumor shower" our church small group threw for us before we left, complete with Target registry! We have the best friends.


  1. We are definitely continue praying and joining you in praying all other organs will not be affected in Jesus! For Levi to have a speedy recovery as well. Sending our love.

  2. Continuing prayers for all your concerns...especially the d/d dance. Hoping healing is rapid and complete.
