Friday, December 20, 2019

A Christmas Gift

We saw the oncologist in Houston today, and Levi’s Christmas wish came true: no more chemo infusions!

The adrenal tumor has shrunk quite a bit, as has the spot on his lung, but the real reason for no more infusions is the level of side effects Levi experienced this most recent round. For almost a week he was in so much pain that he required help to get out of bed, and he could barely walk. The doctor said another round of chemo could cripple him for life. 

So that means we’re on to phase 2, surgery. The oncologist will put together a surgical team to discuss the possibility of surgery, taking into consideration the current size and location of the mass. It is likely Levi could lose parts of nearby organs, including his spleen, kidney, pancreas and stomach. They will also discuss removing his lung tumor during the same surgery. 

We won’t hear back from the surgical team until early January, but the oncologist is shooting to have surgery at the end of January or beginning of February. The extent of the surgery likely won’t be known in full detail until the surgeons get in there, so continue to pray with us that there would be margins to remove the adrenal mass without damaging nearby organs in a way that would affect Levi’s quality of life long term.

In the meantime, Levi will continue to take his chemo pills as maintenance while we wait for surgery. We’re looking forward to living a somewhat normal life for the next month, free from infusions and weeks in bed. What a great Christmas gift, indeed.

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