Friday, August 1, 2014

15 Months

Finally, at 15 months, Nora decided to walk! She had taken a few steps for us, but all it took to convince her to walk across the house unassisted was to leave her with my sister while Levi and I went out on a dinner date. We were shocked when we returned to find she had walked all over their house! I'm so glad they caught it on video.

Everyone says you don't want your toddler to walk, that it gets so much harder after that, but Nora's always been such a speedy crawler that she was already into everything, so walking hasn't been much of a change in that regard. She's just happier now that she can move standing up.

Nora has also started to enjoy playing "dress up" with my old sunglasses and a few bibs or her laundry.

She still loves to watch Sesame Street and "dances" (waves her arms and smiles) when the theme song starts playing. She really enjoys music of any kind and small, her-size seats:

She also likes to imitate adult behaviors like wiping her own face and hands, wiping the table, brushing her teeth and hair, clicking the lock button on the car keys, handing the debit card to the cashier (this always gets a laugh!), etc. and she just started attempting to use a spoon by herself.

Today, she was entertained by two pieces of fabric for almost an hour! That silly girl got a kick out of putting the fabric on her head and walking around the house like a ghost. We also spent a good deal of time in her first box fort, in which Daddy even cut windows.

Last night, I tried to give her her first bubble bath, but she was terrified and just cried and screamed. So much for that!

She's growing so fast and it's hard to catch pictures of all the cute things she does these days. I'm just trying to soak it up! I'll keep trying to snag a pic of her new scrunchy-nosed, slitted-eye smile - it's just too cute!

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