Thursday, March 13, 2014

11 Months

Nora is just one month away from turning a year old! She's developing quite a little personality and knows exactly what she wants (and will let you know). This month was big for her developmentally - she started pulling up to her feet, waving, clapping and she cut her first tooth.

Though she's been capable for awhile now, she just started feeding herself saltines and graham crackers, though she's not interested in feeding herself any other foods. Just today (a few days past the 11-month mark) she fed herself a bottle for the first time because I wouldn't hold it for her while she was in her car seat on the way home. Finally! I've been waiting months for her to do this, and I'll be encouraging the use of this skill at every opportunity, though I know I'll now be picking the bottle up off the floor every two seconds.

Nora enjoyed her first trip to the park this month and loved swinging and going down the baby slide. She laughed and clapped the whole time. I'm looking forward to many more park trips as it gets warmer!

She has also become quite attached to this purple blanket. I tried to get her to attach to a small lovey, to no avail. I guess this is just one example of her exerting her independence. 

Until next month's big 1-2, I'll leave you with this picture of our little Valentine (I wish you could see the adorable heart-shaped elbow patches on her shirt!):

1 comment:

  1. Nora's big personality shows all over her face. Happy Happy Baby!! Love, Grandmama
