Monday, January 13, 2014

9 months

Happy 9 months to our sweet baby girl! She has done lots of developing over the last month and is becoming so much fun! She can sit up very well and is beginning to crawl. She can get just about anywhere she wants to go by army crawling/dragging herself around, but she hasn't quite figured out about using her knees yet. Every time I get her up from a nap she's on her knees just rocking away, but as soon as she decides to go somewhere she lays back on her belly again and pulls herself forward with her arms. It won't be long before we're chasing her all over the place!

At her 9-month checkup, Nora weighed in at 14.9 ounces and 26.5 inches long. She's still tiny (the adjusted growth chart for if she had been born full-term puts her in the 8th percentile for weight and 50th percentile for length) but very healthy and strong. She's just a long and skinny girl!

Lately, she's been enjoying playing more independently on the floor and jumping in her door jumper, which she is finally tall enough to use! 

On her 9-month birthday, we left town for Nora's first ski trip to see her Papa (Levi's dad). The baby snowsuit we got her is incredibly cute. Here are a couple of pictures from her first hike:

False alarm on the teeth I mentioned she was getting last month. There were a couple of white spots on her gums for a couple of weeks, but they never materialized into teeth and are now gone. The pediatrician confirmed that there are no teeth in sight. He said he wouldn't be surprised if she were 14 months old before she got any teeth since she was so early. That's fine with me - let's put off the fussiness and drool as long as possible!

Nora continues to surprise us with how good of a sleeper she is. Most nights she sleeps 13-14 hours and often we have to check to make sure she is still breathing! We're trying to enjoy this because we're convinced we won't have the same luck with future kids.

Nora has such a sweet spirit and is developing a cute personality. I can't wait to see what kind of little person she becomes!

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