Monday, January 9, 2012

Quick and Easy Chicken Parmesan

After working late today, meeting Levi at the gym after I got off and not getting home until 7 p.m., I needed to whip up a dinner that was quick and easy. Almost everything on my meal list for this week needed to be defrosted or crock-potted, so I decided to get creative and make what I like to refer to as "poor man's chicken parmesan." (or chickie chickie parm parm, as referred to on Parks and Rec)

Here's how you do it:

Cook frozen, breaded chicken nuggets in the oven (about 3/person for approx. 12 minutes). While the chicken is cooking, boil spaghetti noodles. Drain spaghetti, dip portion of pasta onto plate, top with chicken nuggets, pour jarred spaghetti sauce on top, add a slice of provolone (or mozzarella or parmesan or whatever kind of cheese you have!) to finish it off. Microwave for a minute or so until sauce it hot and cheese is melty. Enjoy!


  1. Jake says:

    can you make that part of this Wilkins('|'s) life?

    I have no idea what that punctuation is supposed to be, which is kind of sad.

  2. You got it. I'll share it with your soon-to-be-wife! :)
