Monday, September 27, 2010

It's more than just soap and water

We all have our own ways of doing laundry. There are people like my mom and I who are separators, and then there are people like my husband and my sister who are not. After getting frustrated with Levi for doing the laundry his way (although, I have to admit, it didn't ruin anything), he explained that he would be happy to do laundry "my way" if he had some sort of chart to spell out my "complicated" system. I was happy to oblige:

I greatly appreciate Levi's willingness to help with laundry, and now it will be even easier to accept his help becaue I have confidence that it will be done "right". It's funny because this scenario speaks to one reason he and I get along: we're method people. We take great joy in having a system of doing things, and now we can both enjoy the system this chart provides!


  1. I washed my white bathroom rugs with my blue bath towels once... now I have baby blue rugs. Sadface.

  2. If you're referring to this sister you should know that I follow the same sorting as your detailed chart. I just don't line dry as much stuff as you do. BTW, the drying instructions were missing from your graphic. I know you're a stickler for that so I have to look out for my bro-in-law. :) If he needs a little practice before attempting your clothes, we'll be happy to oblige.
