I had told him that this year instead of a gift, I wanted us to take pictures of different things that could look like letters (fences, trees, etc.) and spell our last name with them. I saw these done at An Affair of the Heart and they're really neat (but expensive!). Well, somehow Levi thought I meant different actual letters around town, so he planned the following surprise that turned out to be great.
Levi told me we'd be going to a different location to get each letter's picture and at each location, I would get something having to do with Valentine's Day. Here's where we went:
W - Betty Lou's FloWer Shop where he gave me a rose
I - MIchelangelo's where he was going to get me chocolates but I wanted chai :)
L - The Spirit Shop (the L is for liquor on their sign) where we got wine
K - HallmarK where he had me open the glovebox in the car to find a card
I - HastIngs where he got me a book for a gift
N - Sweet Basil Thai CuisiNe for dinner
S - We went home where we watched one of my favorite movies MuSic and Lyrics (but took an S picture at Native Roots Market just because the one on their sign was cool)
I've got a keeper :)